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Jack the Hack is a home on the web for any Dublin football fan with an opinion worth sharing. It's a forum for ideas, a repository of passion, a curation of poetry and song, a user generated blog for fans of the Dublin men and women's football and hurling teams. Make it your own. This site belongs to all.


Now what remains is for your words to be written.   

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Dublin fans on Hill 16 - Portrait.jpg


Once upon a time, not so long ago...

September, 2011. Stephen Cluxton, the Dublin goalkeeper, stands on the brink of sporting immortality. He glances coolly at the posts in front of Hill 16 and with little fuss, puts the ball over the bar. Kerry vanquished, Dublin are champions once again.   


We didn't know it then, and neither did he. 


Cluxton's match-winning point would set in train the beginning of the greatest decade ever in the history of Dublin football. Indeed, the greatest decade in history for any footballing county. For the Dubs of the Gilroy-Gavin era would go on to win an unprecedented 5-in-a-row, 7 All Ireland titles in 9 years, 5 National League titles in 7 years and smash the record for most consecutive wins in League & Championship, a record held since 1932. 


But who are the team behind it? And just how did Dublin turn around its abysmal record of just two All Ireland titles in 27 years? And who were the men who came before them? What of their work and their influence on this current crop of players?


Jack the Hack is the work of passionate Dublin football supporters who seek to document in words and pictures what it means to be a Dub.

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